How much permanent is Permanent?

2 min readSep 16, 2020

If I can ask you a question, which is that one thing you think will always remain permanent in your life? What will be your answer?

Well, when I ask myself the same question, the only thing that I am sure about which will always remain with me is all the moments in life where I have felt happy. All those memorable moments. Which place? Which date? I might not remember that all but I will still remember how happy, warm and comforting I felt in that moment.

Permanent — I had always wished for a permanent home. A home to which whenever I would go, it would still feel the same every time. That constant feeling is what I call as permanent. Come to think of it, shouldn’t permanent be a feeling only?!

Due to my Dad’s transfers, we have moved to various places, new cities, new friends, new homes. How does it feel? Exciting — yes! It’s always fun to explore new places, meet new people, learn about new culture, discover new cuisines. But then just when it all starts getting comfortable again, we move.

How much easy it is to always learn to make yourself happy wherever you go? Not that easy, but positive attitude towards life matters the most. It is hurtful to leave people behind, whom you have got so much attached to, it’s difficult to leave the home where you have seen various seasons of emotions — love, joy, pain, sadness, excitement.. everything, it’s difficult to leave those lanes, those surroundings, those frequent favourite places. But then… we have to move on, because that is what is called for. Leave everything behind, and start a new life, all over again. Make new friends, settle in a new home, explore that city, find those favourite spots to hang out again and everything, once again.

But still even if everything changes around me, what about me? Do I also have to change, reset my software? No. I just have to build new memories and collect it, we never throw out anything, we just keep on building new memories and adding it to our old stack. This way, even if everything around me is temporary, everything inside me becomes… Permanent.

This picture gives a sense of calmness to me, like time stopped in between all the chaos going around..

